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Keras / Tensorflow
How to contribute a guide to ml4a
Fundamentals of machine learning
What is machine learning?
Vectors, matrices, and tensors
Functions, derivatives, and gradient descent
Essentials of Python
Conditionals, variables, loops, and other basics
Data structures and classes
Functions and plotting
Foundational mathematics
Matrices, multivariate functions
Gradients and chain rule
Essential numpy operations
Classification & k-Nearest Neighbors
Classification tasks
k-Nearest Neighbors method
Linear regression
Fitting datasets with lines
Evaluation and measuring error
Introduction to gradient descent
DIY neural network
Deriving neural networks
Non-linear activation functions and layers
Implementation of gradient descent for neural nets
Neural networks in Keras
Introduction to Keras
Architecture of simple neural net
Training a neural net on toy data
Neural nets for classification
Softmax activations and cross-entropy loss
Using Keras for classification
Convolutional neural networks
Building neural networks with convolutional and pooling layers for image processing
Train a convnet to classify MNIST handwritten digits
Transfer learning
Using powerful pre-trained networks as feature extractors
Training own image classifier on top of a pre-trained network
QuickDraw dataset
Loading sketches from Google's QuickDraw dataset
Basic QuickDraw classifier in Keras
Recurrent neural networks
RNNs, LSTMs, and context
Setting up an LSTM to predict characters in text
Sequence to sequence models
How RNNs operate on sequences on both ends
Training LSTM for language translation
Reverse image search
Extract feature vectors from images with convnets
Find most similar images to query image
Find shortest path between two images
Construct a graph of images connected via k nearest neighbors
Determine shortest path through the graph between two query images
Clustering images with t-SNE
Extract feature vectors from images with convnets
Embed images in 2d space using a t-SNE over their feature vectors
Clustering sounds with t-SNE
Extract feature vectors from audio clips with librosa
Embed audio clips in 2d with a t-SNE over their feature vectors
Reverse text search
Text representation: bag-of-words, tf-idf
Latent semantic analysis
Search for similar documents
Wiki t-SNE
Latent semantic analysis on corpus of text documents
Generate a t-SNE grid from LSA embeddings
Neural net painter
Regression of x,y -> r,g,b from an image
Generating "paintings" from learned model
Making videos by interpolating between multiple painters
Word vectors
Embedding words in vector space
Geometric operations in word-vector space and analogies
Generate a t-SNE from a trained word2vec embedding
Run principal component analysis to compress a dataset of faces
Generate new faces by inverting the projection
Training an autoencoder on the QuickDraw dataset
Generating latent space interplations from autencoders
Neural synthesis
How to visualize features in a trained neural net
Recreating Deepdream
Masking, distorting the canvas, and video feedback
Introduction to the reinforcement learning problem
Implementing a Q-Learner for an agent
Deep Q-Networks
Deep Q-Networks for larger state spaces
Implementing and training DQN for paddle-ball game
Sampling new images from BigGAN
BigGAN interpolations videos
Arithmetic on GAN features
BigGAN tricks
Linear and hyperspherical latent space interpolation
Modulating background while holding foreground constant in generation
Working with truncation
Encoding images of faces into GLOW
Adding and subtracting face attributes generatively
Interpolations between faces
Object segmentation
Segmenting objects from images with Mask-RCNN
Background removal
Audio classifier
Analyze MFCC distribution of incoming microphone audio
Train a real-time multi-class classifier of sounds
Audio t-SNE viewer
Navigate an interactive playback application of audio samples embedded in 2d via t-SNE algorithm (pre-analyzed)
Extract feature vector from real-time webcam stream
Send image feature vector over OSC
Convnet classifier
Extract feature vectors from incoming webcam stream
Train a real-time multi-class classifier of images
Convnet regressor
Extract feature vectors from incoming webcam stream
Control a set of sliders via regression over feature vectors
Convnet viewer
Analyze an image or webcam stream with a convnet
View the network's activation maps layer-by-layer
Doodle classifier
Train an image classifier to recognize different categories of your drawings (doodles)
Send classification results over OSC to drive some interactive application
Face classifier
Use face tracker to analyze facial expressions or poses
Train a real-time multi-class classifier of facial expressions
Face regressor
Use face tracker to analyze facial expressions or poses
Train real-time regression to control sliders according to facial expression
Scrape screen pixels and detect Go board position
Have a convnet make move recommendations for human player
Image t-SNE viewer
Navigate an interactive viewer of images embedded in 2d via t-SNE algorithm (pre-analyzed)
Image t-SNE live
t-SNE and assign to grid a dataset of images (in-application)
Navigate an interactive viewer containing the arranged images
pix2pix tutorial
A tutorial on neural image translation with pix2pix
A survey of creative works using pix2pix
Reverse image search (fast)
Extract feature vector in real-time from an image/video/webcam/screengrabber
Quickly retrieve k nearest neighbors to that image
Reverse object search
Detect salient objects in image/video/webcam stream
Quickly retrieve k nearest neighbors of each detected object
Yolo (fast object detection) live
Detect salient objects in image/video/webcam/screengrabber