Convnet applications
Class notes
News / admin
- making up materials from last week
- office hours
- unofficial open office hours at DBRSLabs
- theory vs. code
Critical reading
- bias, ownership, privacy (1) (2)
- Stranger Visions (Heather Dewey-Hagborg)
- data reconstruction from neural nets
Review convolutional neural networks
Applications of convnets
- Visualizing and interpreting convnets
- Image synthesis
- Synthesizing images which excite neurons
- Deepdream
- Style transfer
- A neural algorithm of artistic style
- How style transfer works
- balancing content and style loss
- Gram matrices and "style" computation
- Applications
- what if content loss is discarded?
- Transfer learning
- Low-level vs. high-level features
- What if you want to train a complex model but have few training examples
- ConvnetOSC -> Wekinator
- t-SNE
Deep learning landscape (not in the video)
- Main platforms
- Caffe, Theano, Torch, TensorFlow
- Wrappers :)
- Keras, tflearn
- Lasagne, nolearn
- openFrameworks support
- Set up
- local machine?
- Pros: free (more or less) and you own it
- Cons: lots of dependencies, install is hard/inconsistent
- Amazon EC2, Google Cloud Compute
- Pros: no install, scales well
- Cons: expensive
- Pros: same as Amazon/GCC but even nicer and more features
- Cons: still expensive, and somewhat unreliable GPU support
- ml-notebook
- Pros: best of both worlds (local + easyish to install)
- Cons: no GPU support