Applications, Wekinator
Class notes
News / admin
- screencasts go here
- more activity
- mini-presentations?
- office hours
- course projects
- tools + improving software
- art/music applications
- humanistic/sociological/ethical/political/economical
- what do you think?
- software expectations
Review of neural networks
- Forward pass demo
- Regression
- Input vs output mapping
- AI notes (by Francis Tseng)
- Basic workflow using ofxLearn
- Training
- Classification
- Regression
- Clustering
- Review coding platforms for neural nets
- scikit-learn + pandas
- weka + wekaizing + wekinator
- deep learning toolkits (later)
- Wekinator lets you incorporate supervised learning into applications you use via OSC
- "switchboard of interactivity"
- showcase of projects
- resources
- basic workflow and training
- configuration of inputs and outputs
- simple example (mouse → Processing)
- more complex example (Kinect → AudioUnit/AbletonOSC)
- classification example
- Dynamic time warping
- Bark/mfcc + Processing drum machine
- demo of inputs
- survey of other inputs
- {Arduino, Wiiimote, GameTrak, Websockets, KinectV2, QuartzComposer}
- {myo sensor, OpenBCI/brainscanning?}
- demo of outputs
- {Processing (generative), Ableton, SuperCollider, Max}
- survey of outputs
- {ChucK, IFTTT, PD, Unity, QuartzComposer}
Critical reading